Journal of general internal medicine

Reducing Implicit Bias Through Curricular Interventions.

Journal of general internal medicine

Boscardin CK

The Effect of a Care Transition Intervention on the Patient Experience of Older Multi-Lingual Adults in the Safety Net: Results of a Randomized Controlled Trial.

Journal of general internal medicine

Chan B, Goldman LE, Sarkar U, Schneidermann M, Kessell E, Guzman D, Critchfield J, Kushel M

Hospitalization-Associated Disability in Adults Admitted to a Safety-Net Hospital.

Journal of general internal medicine

Chodos AH, Kushel MB, Greysen SR, Guzman D, Kessell ER, Sarkar U, Goldman LE, Critchfield JM, Pierluissi E

Using a Curricular Vision to Define Entrustable Professional Activities for Medical Student Assessment.

Journal of general internal medicine

Hauer KE, Boscardin C, Fulton TB, Lucey C, Oza S, Teherani A

Simulating Strategies for Improving Control of Hypertension Among Patients with Usual Source of Care in the United States: The Blood Pressure Control Model.

Journal of general internal medicine

Fontil V, Bibbins-Domingo K, Kazi DS, Sidney S, Coxson PG, Khanna R, Victor RG, Pletcher MJ

Assessing the impact of nurse post-discharge telephone calls on 30-day hospital readmission rates.

Journal of general internal medicine

Harrison JD, Auerbach AD, Quinn K, Kynoch E, Mourad M

When to repatriate? Clinicians' perspectives on the transfer of patient management from specialty to primary care.

Journal of general internal medicine

Ackerman SL, Gleason N, Monacelli J, Collado D, Wang M, Ho C, Catschegn-Pfab S, Gonzales R

Physician underutilization of effective medications for resistant hypertension at office visits in the United States: NAMCS 2006-2010.

Journal of general internal medicine

Fontil V, Pletcher MJ, Khanna R, Guzman D, Victor R, Bibbins-Domingo K

Sequence patterns in the resolution of clinical instabilities in community-acquired pneumonia and association with outcomes.

Journal of general internal medicine

Hougham GW, Ham SA, Ruhnke GW, Schulwolf E, Auerbach AD, Schnipper JL, Kaboli PJ, Wetterneck TB, Gonzalez D, Arora VM, Meltzer DO
